Xuan Phan is a graphic designer who focuses on Graphic Design, Brand Identity & Visual Art.

She has been working with different design studios & clients in London, LA & Saigon. Now based in Vietnam.

1. MQT Jewelry
2. Demon Revenge
3. Yingtao New York
4. Yeshi Taiwanese Kitchen
5. Táo Tào Dessert 
6. Vietnam Design Day
7. On Da Dream
8. EVA Exhibition
9. Loi Loi
10. Shadow Lounge
11. Du Exhibition
12. Beatbites
13. Facebook ‘Good Adds Up’
14. OOMI
15. Cadogan Hoarding
16. 502 Bad Gateway  
17. Lab Welcome Kit
📧 xuanphannk@gmail.com


VNđ – Vietnam Design Day is a platform for Vietnam’s creative and design community. In its inaugural edition, the event serves as an experimental survey of the country’s design landscape, embracing diverse voices from various creative practices.

We developed a generative visual system that reflects the fluid and ever-evolving nature of design in Vietnam, featuring a vivid, maximalist color palette inspired by the country’s vibrant streets.

This adaptable system works seamlessly across both still and animated formats, scaling from phone screens to a 5-meter floor-to-ceiling display at the venue.

Creative Direction: @bluefintuna.le
Graphic Design: @hvn_is_hr @marchsecondninetynine
Animation: @squangdo
Studio: The Lab Saigon www.thelabsaigon.com