Xuan Phan is a graphic designer who focuses on Graphic Design, Brand Identity & Visual Art.

She has been working with different design studios & clients in London, LA & Saigon. Now based in Vietnam.

1. MQT Jewelry
2. Demon Revenge
3. Yingtao New York
4. Yeshi Taiwanese Kitchen
5. Táo Tào Dessert 
6. Vietnam Design Day
7. On Da Dream
8. EVA Exhibition
9. Loi Loi
10. Shadow Lounge
11. Du Exhibition
12. Beatbites
13. Facebook ‘Good Adds Up’
14. OOMI
15. Cadogan Hoarding
16. 502 Bad Gateway  
17. Lab Welcome Kit
📧 xuanphannk@gmail.com

Cadogan Hoarding

The London’s most enormous estate - Cadogan Estate asked Charlie Smith Design studio to create hoardings for their upcoming stores in Chelsea. The hoardings are designed to promote this fashionable retail area, whilst installation of a new unit is taking place.

Xuan was in charge to create a visual language through conceptual design and illustration for each installation.

Art Direction: Charlie Smith
Graphic Design: Xuan Phan

Scope of work: Graphic Design, Illustration

150 King’s road

178A King’s road

239 King’s road